
作者: 时间:2022-02-24




Email: niezy@kust.edu.cn


20029月-2006年7月, 北京师范大学物理系,学士

2007年9月-2012年7月, 中国科学院理论物理研究所,博士


本科生课程: 大学物理、大学物理实验 

















[1] Xin Zhao, Zi-Qiang Zhao, Zhang-Yu Nie, Hua-Bi Zeng, Yu Tian, Matteo Baggioli, Dynamical evolution of spinodal decomposition in holographic superfluids. JHEP 02(2024) 184 

[2] Xing-Kun Zhang, Zhang-Yu Nie, Hui Zeng, Qiyuan Pan, The holographic s+p model in 4D and 5D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, Phys.Lett.B 850 (2024), 138496

[3] Zi-Qiang Zhao, Xing-Kun Zhang, Zhang-Yu Nie, Dynamical stability from quasi normal modes in 2nd, 1st and 0th order holographic superfluid phase transitions, JHEP 02 (2023) 023

[4] Yu-Ni Yang, Chuan-Yin Xia, Zhang-Yu Nie, Hua-Bi Zeng, H−T phase diagrams of a holographic p-wave superfluid, JHEP 04 (2022) 013

[5] Xing-Kun Zhang, Chuan-Yin Xia, Zhang-Yu Nie, Hui Zeng, Holographic multicondensate with nonlinear terms, Phys. Rev. D 105, 046016(2022)

[6] Jie Pan, Xiongying Qiao, Dong Wang, Qiyuan Pan, Zhang-Yu Nie, Jiliang Jing, Holographic superconductors in 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity with backreactions, Phys.Lett.B 823 (2021) 136755

[7] Chuan-Yin Xia, Zhang-Yu Nie, Hua-Bi Zeng, Yu Zhang,Uniform quenching processes in a holographic s + p model with reentrance, Eur.Phys.J.C 81 (2021) 10, 882

[8] Zhang-Yu Nie, Ya-Peng Hu, Hui Zeng, The holographic p + ip solution failed to win the competition in dRGT massive gravity, Eur.Phys.J.C 80 (2020) 11, 1015

[9] Xin Li, Zhang-Yu Nie, Yu Tian, Holographic boiling and generalized thermodynamic description beyond local equilibrium, JHEP 09 (2020) 063

[10] Chuan-Yin Xia, Hua-Bi Zeng, Hai-Qing Zhang, Zhang-Yu Nie, Yu Tian, Xin Li, Vortex Lattice in a Rotating Holographic Superfluid, Phys.Rev.D 100 (2019) 6, 061901

[11] Zhi-Hong Li, Yun-Chang Fu, Zhang-Yu Nie, Competing s-wave orders from Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet gravity, Phys.Lett. B776 (2018) 115-123

[12] Zhang-Yu Nie, Qiyuan Pan, Hua-Bi Zeng, Hui Zeng, Split degenerate states and stable p+ip phases from holography, Eur, Phys.J. C(2017),77:69

[13] Zhang-Yu Nie, Ronggen Cai, Xin Gao, Li Li, Hui Zeng, Phase transitions in a holographic s+p model with back-reaction, Eur, Phys.J. C(2015),75:559

[14] Zhang-Yu Nie, Hui Zeng, P-T phase diagram of a holographic s+p model from Gauss-Bonnet gravity, JHEP, 2015,1510:047

[15] Zhang-Yu Nie, Ronggen Cai, Xin Gao, Hui Zeng, Competition between the s-wave and p-wave superconductivity phases in a holographic model, JHEP, 2013,1311:087

[16] Ronggen Cai, Li Li, Zhang-Yu Nie, Yunlong Zhang, Holographic forced fluid dynamics in non-relativistic limit, Nucl. Phys. B,2012,864:260-284

[17] Ronggen Cai, Zhang-Yu Nie, Haiqing Zhang, Holographic phase transition of P-wave superconductor in Gauss-Bonnet gravity with back-reaction, Phys. Rev. D, 2011, 83:066013

[18] Yapeng Hu, Huaifan Li, Zhang-Yu Nie, The first oder hydrodynamics via AdS/CFT correspondence in the Gauss-Bonnet gravity, JHEP,2011, 1101:123

[19] Ronggen Cai, Zhang-Yu Nie, Haiqing Zhang, Holographic p-wave superconductors from Gauss-Bonnet gravity, Phys. Rev. D, 2010,82:066007

[20] Ronggen Cai, Zhang-Yu Nie, Nobuyoshi Ohta, Yawen Sun, Shear viscosity from Gauss-Bonnet gravity with a dilaton coupling, Phys. Rev. D, 2009,79:066004

[21] Ronggen Cai, Zhang-Yu Nie, Yawen Sun, Shear viscosity from effective couplings of gravitons, Phys. Rev. D, 2008,78:126007



2.  云南省物理学会第十四届理事会理事(2022-2025


[1] 邀请报告:Dynamical stability of 2nd, 1st and 0th order phase transitions in a holographic superfluid model, 2023引力与宇宙学国际研讨会, 2023-7-10至2023-7-16, 兰州

[2] 分会邀请报告:全息超流模型中2阶、1阶、0阶相变的热力学和动力学稳定性, 中国物理学会2022秋季学术会议-A粒子物理、场论与宇宙学分会, 2022-11-17至2022-11-20, 深圳

[3] 邀请报告:Competition between the s-wave and p-wave orders in a holographic model,Frontier of Theoretical Physics in Western China, 2016年6月6日,兰州

