
作者: 时间:2021-04-17


Email: forliwenjie2008@163.com

2007.09--2011.07,湖北师范学院, 数学与统计学院,  学士

2011.09--2014.09,云南师范大学, 数学学院,      硕士

2018.10--2019.11,悉尼科技大学, 机械工程学院,    联合培养博士

2015.09--2020.06,湖南大学,   数学与计量经济学院, 博士

2022.12--                   东南大学,  数学学院,      博士后











国际期刊《Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society》《Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems》《Journal of the Franklin Institute》《Chaos, Solitons & Fractals》《Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems--B》《Applied Mathematics Letters 》《Nonlinear Dynamics》《Applied Mathematical Modelling》《Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences》《Mathematics and Computers in Simulationn》《Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik》等国际学术刊物上发表了20多篇SCI学术论文,其中3篇论文入选ESI高被引。


[1] Wenjie Li, Lihong Huang and Jinchen Ji. Periodic solution and its stability of a delayed Beddington--DeAngelis type predator--prey system with discontinuous control strategy. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 42.13 (2019): 4498-4515.(ESI高被引).

[2] Wenjie Li, Lihong Huang and Jinchen Ji. Globally exponentially stable periodic solution in a general delayed predator-prey model under discontinuous prey control strategy. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems--B, 25.7, (2020) : 2639-2664.

[3] Wenjie Li, Jinchen Ji, Lihong Huang and Jiafu Wang. Bifurcations and dynamics of a plant disease system under non-smooth control strategy. Nonlinear Dynamics, 99.1(2020 ): 3351-3371.

[4] Wenjie Li,Jinchen Ji and Lihong Huang. Global dynamic behavior of a predator-prey model under ratio-dependent state impulsive control. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 77(2020):1842-1859.

[5] Wenjie Li,Lihong Huang, Zhenyuan Guo, Jinchen Ji. Global dynamic behavior of a plant disease model with ratio dependent impulsive control strategy. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.177.11,(2020): 120-139.

[6] Wenjie Li, Jinchen Ji and Lihong Huang. Dynamics of a controlled discontinuous computer worm system.Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.148(2020) 4389-4403.

[7] Wenjie Li, Jinchen Ji, Lihong Huang and Zhenyuan Guo Global dynamics of a controlled discontinuous diffusive SIR epidemic system. Applied Mathematics Letters.121,(2021)107420(ESI高被引).

[8] Wenjie Li, Jinchen Ji and Lihong Huang.Global dynamics analysis of a water hyacinth fish ecological system under impulsive control. Journal of the Franklin Institute 359 (2022) 10628–10652.

[9] Wenjie Li, Ying Zhang and Lihong Huang. Dynamics analysis of a predator–prey model with non-monotonic functional response and impulsive control.Mathematics and Computers in Simulation.204 (2023) 529–555.

[10] Wenjie Li, Jinchen Ji, Lihong Huang and Lingling Zhang. Global dynamics and control of malicious signal transmission in wireless sensor networks. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems.48 (2023) 101324.

[11] Wenjie Li, Jinchen Ji, Lihong Huang and Ying Zhang. Complex dynamics and impulsive control of a chemostat model under the ratio threshold policy. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 167 (2023) 113077.

[12] Wenjie Li,Jinchen Ji and Lihong Huang. Zuowei Cai. Periodic orbit analysis for a delayed model of malicious signal transmission in wireless sensor networks with discontinuous control. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 46 (2023):5267-5285.

[13] Wenjie Li, Ying Zhang Jinchen Ji and Lihong Huang. Dynamics of a diffusion epidemic SIRI system in heterogeneous environment.Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 74(3), (2023),104.

[14] Wenjie Li, Guodong Li, Jinde Cao ,Fei Xu, Dynamics analysis of a diffusive SIRI epidemic system under logistic source and general incidence rate,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 129, (2024),107675.

[15] Wenjie Li,Yajuan Guan, Jinde Cao, Fei Xu, A note on global stability of a degenerate diffusion avian influenza model with seasonality and spatial Heterogeneity,Applied Mathematics Letters, 148, (2024),108884.


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